Artists of Impact for the life long learner.
Kate Clark

Kate Clark - Contemporary American Artist - Sculpture - Mixed Media - Artwork deals with issues of transformation, identity, adaptation, perception and symbolism.
- Perfect Strangers - Man or Beast - Art 21 blog about the sculptures of Kate Clark. Includes a video interview with Clark.
- Amazing Stories: Emotional Charged Narrative in Pictures - New York Times, September 13,2009 article. This is a review of Clark's exhibition "Pretty Tough: Contemporary Story Telling" at the Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum
Barbara Kruger

- ARTCYCLOPEDIA - Barbara Kruger Artworks Online
- Kruger at the Whitney Museum - This site reviews the exhibition, themes and styles of Kruger's work, short biography and features imagery
- Barbara Kruger at the Broad Art Foundation - This site features information on Kruger and features selected works.
- Barbara Kruger in her own words tell the reader where she came from and the why and how she creates art.
- Art 21 - Barbara Kruger video clips from the PBS Art21 program. This site features images, lesson ideas, portfolio and more. Issues discussed are appropriation, identity, politics and media influences.
Luis Jimenez

- Luis Jimenez - American Artist of Mexican descent creates sculptures relating to his ethnicity and Mexican /American culture.
- Boarder Crossings (1989) - This sculpture features an interpretation of the path into America made by his parents. This web page also features discussion questions that can be used in a small or large group inquiry.
- Spirit of Texas - "Luis Jimenez approaches the intangible by depicting the flesh." February 11, 1999 review of Jimenez's art.
- The Blue Horse - A review of Jimenez's horse sculpture often referred to as 'Blue Devil Horse' created for the Denver Airport.
- Luis Jimenez on Art Babble – This site contains short video interviews with Jimenez about his processes, inspirations and final artworks.
Yasumasa Morimura

- Yasumasa Morimura - "Widely known as the artist who transforms himself into the Mona Lisa and movie actresses. Since 1985, his focus has been his 'self-portrait series', consisting of unique reconstructions of art masterpieces in which the subject's face is substituted with that of Morimura himself. Through careful study and analysis of the themes, artists, and historical background of these works, Morimura searches out their raison d'etre and transforms them according to his own interpretations. His ability to deconstruct, subvert and simultaneously create homage is what enables his work to continually defy categorization."
- Yasumasa Morimura at the Luhring Augustine Gallery - This site features a survey of Morimura's artworks and a brief biography.
- An Inner Dialogue with Frida Kahlo (Flower Wreath and Tears) - Information on Morimura's art on exhibition at the Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art at the Brooklyn Museum
- Arts MIA - Exhibition overview of Morimura's work in exhibition at the Minneapolis Institute of Art.


Dos de Mayo 1808